Every doctor at Family Healthcare Associates is a part of our family. That is why we want to
take a moment to shine a spotlight on one of our outstanding physicians so you can see the
person behind the lab coat. This week we turn it over to Dr. Linh Nguyen, one of our primary
care physicians in our Fielder office, for a closer look.

Getting to Know Our Family of Doctors

Why did I choose to be a family doctor? Looking back, I was always attracted to medicine since
I was a kid studying human anatomy. I was born in Vietnam, then moved to Dallas-Fort Worth
with my parents when I was twelve. After graduating from UT Southwest Medical School in
Dallas, I have worked at Family Healthcare Associates for the last four years. I truly love what I
do; being a family doctor requires three skills that are my specialties: problem-solving, helping
others, and science. One of the best parts of my job is interacting with my patients. I am thankful
that I get to connect with patients during happy, healthy times (like when they are raising a
family), and I also get to help them during difficult times when they may be facing a health issue.
Being that go-to person is special; I value my long-term relationships, which you cannot get if
you are a medical specialist.

Family doctors are in an ideal position to spot health trends; one I see in my office is
undiagnosed depression in people of all ages. Many people today do not realize they can talk to
their primary care doctor about depression, but you can. All our doctors at Family Healthcare
Associates can screen for depression; we can even prescribe anti-depressants. However, if we
find the prescribed medication is not controlling a patient’s depression, we will refer them to a
psychiatrist as they may have a more serious problem. 

I have found, in many cases, that unless a doctor is asking questions about depression, many
people suffering will fall through the cracks. Sometimes all it takes is to ask. When I sit down
with a patient, I find most of them open up to me immediately. A lot of my patients are surprised
to learn that they are depressed. Many even say it is the first time anyone has talked to them
about it. But depression is not a condition that should be ignored. It can have a huge effect on
your body and mind (it can stress your heart, raise blood pressure, cause a loss of appetite or
concentration, and hinder you from carrying out your tasks). 

So, even though you may feel fine and healthy, I urge you to see your family doctor once a year
and do not skip your preventive screenings, (one of which is a screening for depression). Do not
ignore your mental health; I do not. I prescribe my mental care by spending time with my family
in my free time (I used to sing in a choir before I had kids). My husband and I also love trying
different cuisines, which increases the serotonin in our brains. We like to dine at Oishi in
Dallas—and on special occasions, we will go to this fresh hand-rolled place in Ft. Worth called
the Hatsuyuki Hand Rolled Bar. If you ask me, a nice meal with a loved one is good for the soul.